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形式: 個別/小組教授,上課時間地點自由,上門教授,年齡不限。 WhatsApp: 54443337 電郵: [email protected] 網站: https://www.facebook.com/jacklab32/

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提供鋼琴 / 圓號(法國號) 課程,課程透過: 公開演出及學生音樂會、比賽、考試、大師班、樂器訓練及樂理研習,課堂將以粵語 (英語輔助) 或全英語進行,教室採用符合考試標準之三角琴,有意報讀的同學, 請於上課前致電96294800 (吳老師) 約見面試, 評估演奏水平

The Profectional Company Limited was established in 2012 and aims to provide quality training and development to clients. We specialise in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Risk Managemen

Native English Teacher born and raised in England. Jolly Phonics method. The Oxford Reading Tree. The Cambridge Kid’s Box. The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests and Trinity Examinations
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